Catalogue Entry: Permanently protected areas of Nunavut, Canada
The datatset is a compilation of all permanent (legally established) protected areas in Nunavut, Canada. -
Catalogue Entry: Strathcona County Alberta Splash Parks
“Splash Parks" are outdoor areas designated for water recreation that are owned by Strathcona County. Typically, a splash park (also referred to as a spray park) is a concrete... -
Catalogue Entry: Burnaby Park Inventory
A collection of all known parks and golf courses in Burnaby. Individual parks may be broken down into separate polygons based on unique attributes. Layer is predominantly used... -
Catalogue Entry: Burnaby Parks Trails
This layer is created mainly for Asset Management in Parks Operations. Includes all walking trails within City of Burnaby parks. Data captured in 2019. The City of Burnaby... -
Catalogue Entry: NWT Protected/Conservation Areas
The Northwest Territories Protected/Conservation Areas data service includes the following sub layers: - Terrestrial Protected Areas - Marine Protected Areas -...