Catalogue Entry: Hard Surface (Point) City of Victoria
Concrete pads, various sizes, used for picnic tables, benches and garbage cans. They remove the need for grass cutting under the fixture, provide a clean base for the users and... -
Catalogue Entry: Outdoor Rinks of Strathcona County, Alberta
Point map of outdoor rinks. “Outdoor Rinks" are outdoor areas of land designed to facilitate skating activities in the winter and general recreation in other seasons that are... -
Catalogue Entry: Strathcona County Playing Fields
“Playing Fields" are outdoor areas of land covered in grass and/or loose shale designed to facilitate organized and unorganized recreation that are owned or maintained by... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Trail Network (OTN) Segment
This spatial dataset represents segments of trails in the Ontario Trail Network (OTN). The OTN contains geospatial networks of trails in urban, rural and wilderness settings...