Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data
List of datasets for parks in Nova Scotia. Information collected through the reservation system for the general public to reserve camping sites in the Nova Scotia Provincial Parks. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2012
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2012. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2013
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2013. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2014
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2014. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2015
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2015. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Developmental disability support: client profiles
This dataset includes snapshot information for 33,615 individuals, including: age gender living arrangement income source(s) communication use of disability aids health and... -
Catalogue Entry: Soldiers’ Aid Commission expenses
The Soldiers’ Aid Commission provides financial assistance to Ontario’s eligible Second World War and Korean War veterans and their families. Under the Agencies and Appointments... -
Catalogue Entry: Core housing need by tenure including presence of mortgage payments and...
Core housing need by tenure including presence of mortgage payments and subsidized housing for Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions.... -
Catalogue Entry: Housing stock
Housing Stock in Unit is an economic account that estimates housing unit count by institutional sector, housing type, dwelling occupation, dwelling type, and tenure type for...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- comma separated values(.csv)
Catalogue Entry: Adoption Practitioners
Contact information for adoption practitioners who are approved to conduct homestudies and supervise adoption placements.