Catalogue Entry: Archived - Dwelling and neighbourhood satisfaction, by tenure including...
Level of dwelling and neighbourhood satisfaction reported by the reference person (the person responsible for housing decisions), by tenure including social and affordable...-
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Catalogue Entry: Household Type (4), Tenure (5) and Housing Affordability (4) for Private...
This table shows 2001 Census data for the following levels of geography: Canada, provinces, territories, census divisions, census subdivisions and dissemination areas. This...-
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Catalogue Entry: Household Income, Costs and STIRs of Visible Minority Groups
This table provides detailed data on the housing costs of the 3 largest visible minority groups in each region including information on: average household incomes shelter costs...-
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Catalogue Entry: Archived - Household characteristics, by tenure including first-time...
Household characteristics, including household type, age group of the reference person (the person responsible for housing decisions), employment status of the reference person,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Archived - Housing indicators, by tenure including first-time homebuyer...
Housing indicators, including dwelling characteristics (as well as condominium status and structural type of dwelling), level of dwelling and neighbourhood satisfaction reported...-
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Catalogue Entry: Archived - Indicators related to moving, 2018, inactive
Reasons to move and location of previous dwellings for households that moved in the past five years and intentions to move for all households, by Canada, provinces and territories.-
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Catalogue Entry: Canada's east coast container ports. Do they compete with or complement one...
This report uses container data from two sources, Statistics Canada's marine international Origin/Destination (O/D) database and Journal of Commerce P.I.E.R.S. data (provided by...-
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Catalogue Entry: Annual Survey of Water Carriers, 2001
To provide data users with financial and operational data from Canadian-domiciled water carriers whose principle activity is marine transport.-
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Catalogue Entry: An industry with many faces: Global balance sheets analysis of for-hire...
This paper first describes the statistical tools used to make these measurements. We will then present the results obtained by applying these tools to the financial databases...-
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Catalogue Entry: Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports
This publication presents statistics on airline traffic such as the volume of flights, passengers and cargo, at Canadian airports. Data on Canadian and foreign airlines'...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian domiciled marine carriers, 1995
The universe of Canadian marine transport firms is composed of three sectors: for-hire (or commercial), private and government. Each marine carrier is assigned to the sector...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian Vehicle Survey: Annual
From the Canadian Vehicle Survey, this product contains 38 tables showing the survey estimates for each year. The Canadian Vehicle Survey measures the activity of all on-road... -
Catalogue Entry: Commodity origin and destination statistics, for-hire trucking, annual 1996
After the double-digit growth experienced in 1993 and 1994, trucking activity by Canada-based for-hire carriers with annual intercity revenues of at least $1.0 million increased...-
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Catalogue Entry: Financial statistics on Canadian based marine carriers, 1995 (preliminary)
In 1995, 200 marine carriers based in Canada, including for-hire marine carriers, private carriers and government carriers, owned and operated a fleet of 1,760 vessels and...-
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Catalogue Entry: For-hire motor carriers of freight: Ball carriers, third and fourth quarters, 1996
In the second half of 1996, the operating ratio (operating expenses divided by operating revenues) for all Canada-based for-hire motor carriers of freight with annual revenues...-
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Catalogue Entry: For-hire motor carriers of freight: All carriers, third and fourth quarters, 1997
This article will show how the operating ratio of for-hire motor carriers of Freight has improved in the second half of 1997-
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Catalogue Entry: Domestic and international shipping statistics, first quarter 1997
Canadian ports handled a record 51.3 Mt of international freight in the first quarter of 1997, an increase of 5.1% over the same period in 1996. Total international and domestic...-
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Catalogue Entry: Domestic and international shipping statistics January to September, 1999
The ports handled a total of 274.3 million tonnes (Mt.) of cargo. Strong increases in domestic shipments, particularly in the forest sector were sufficient to offset a decline...-
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Catalogue Entry: Domestic and international shipping statistics, first half, 1997
Canadian ports handled a record quantity of international cargo in the first half of 1997. The ports handled 125.2 million tonnes (Mt.) of international cargo, an increase of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Motor carriers of freight: Financial and operating statistics, private carriers, 1995
Private carriers are businesses that maintain a fleet of trucks to carry their own goods. The motor carriers of freight, private carriers survey covers those private carriers...-
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