Catalogue Entry: Recipients and payment rates of housing allowances
In many countries, housing allowances are an important tool of affordable housing policy (see Indicator PH3.1 on Public spending on housing allowance as a % of GDP). “Housing...-
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Catalogue Entry: Rental regulation
This indicator presents information on key aspects of regulation in the private rental sector, mainly collected through the OECD Questionnaire on Affordable and Social Housing...-
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Catalogue Entry: Residential Mortgage Credit Outstanding by Financial Institution Type
This table gives housing professionals the latest housing data on outstanding home mortgage debt, organized by type of financial institution. It provides the amount of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Residential property values (x 1,000,000)
Frequency: Annual Table: 34-10-0013-01 (formerly CANSIM 026-0018) Release date: 2018-05-09 Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian and U.S. Mortgage Arrears and Foreclosure Rates (Archived)
Annual residential mortgage arrears and foreclosure rates in Canada and the U.S. from 1990 to 2013. This table is archived for reference, research and record-keeping purposes...-
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Catalogue Entry: Save page to My Folder SAVE Share this page SHARE Real Median Total...
Real median total household incomes before taxes for renter households in Canada, the provinces and selected Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs). This table gives housing...-
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Catalogue Entry: Severe housing deprivation
Different factors influence the quality of housing, and some households face a multiple of shortcomings in their dwelling. Too little space (see Indicator HC2.1) may coincide...-
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Catalogue Entry: Social rental dwellings stock
Social housing includes different forms of housing support across OECD countries, with considerable cross-national differences in terms of tenure, size, and type of providers....-
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Catalogue Entry: Summary Urban Housing Conditions: Canada and Provinces
Summary of housing conditions for urban Canadian households in core housing need. Includes data on housing conditions, persistence of core housing need, and movement into or out...-
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Catalogue Entry: Tax relief for home owners
In many OECD countries, people who buy or own a home benefit from favourable tax treatment, in addition to grants and credit support to home buyers (See PH 2.1). This indicator...-
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Catalogue Entry: Urban Rental Market Survey Data: Average Rents in Urban Centres
Average rents for rental townhomes and apartments in urban centres with at least 10,000 people. Organized by province and number of bedrooms. Drawn from CMHC’s Rental Market...-
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Catalogue Entry: Urban Rental Market Survey Data: Number of Units by Building Size
Number of townhome and apartment rentals in urban centres with at least 10,000 people. Organized by province, number of bedrooms and building size. Drawn from CMHC’s Rental...-
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Catalogue Entry: Urban Rental Market Survey Data: Rent Quartiles
Quartile rents for rental townhomes and apartments in urban centres with at least 10,000 people. Organized by province and number of bedrooms. Drawn from CMHC’s Rental Market...-
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Catalogue Entry: Vacancy Rates by Rental Quintile
Rental data for urban and rural markets across Canada. These tables include statistics on vacancy rates and universe data for private apartments with at least 3 rental units....-
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Catalogue Entry: Youth and Youth-Led Households
Profile of youth and youth-led households for Canada, the provinces and territories, Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) and Census Agglomerations (CAs). Includes data on living...-
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Catalogue Entry: York Region Community Profile
The York Region Community Profile, providing information on Homelessness, Housing and Social Assistance data.-
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Catalogue Entry: Yellowknife Community Profile
The Yellowknife Community Profile, providing information on Homelessness, Housing and Social Assistance data.-
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Catalogue Entry: Wood Buffalo Community Profile
The Wood Buffalo Community Profile, providing infomation on Homelessness, Housing and Social Assistance data.-
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Catalogue Entry: Winnipeg Street Census 2022 Final Report
The Winnipeg Street Census 2022 marks the third fulsome attempt to gain a contextualized view of homelessness in Winnipeg. In order to end homelessness we need to understand it....-
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Catalogue Entry: Winnipeg Community Profile
The Winnipeg Community Profile, providing information on Homelessness, Housing and Social Assistance data.-
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