Catalogue Entry: Canada's growing population and its environmental influence, 1956 to 2006
Canada's population doubled between 1956 and 2006. Human population growth is an important factor in determining society's influence on the environment. One example of our...-
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Catalogue Entry: Trucking in Canada
This publication presents a comprehensive overview of the Canadian trucking industry, both for-hire and private (own account). Principal information includes statistics on...-
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Catalogue Entry: The Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, 2005 (Preliminary)...
In 2005, the Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries generated total revenues of about $8.6 billion, fueled by strong growth in government operating and capital...-
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Catalogue Entry: The Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, 2004 (Preliminary)...
Although revenues were higher in 2004 compared to 2003, the Canadian bus and urban transit industries had a difficult year in 2004. Their net income dropped nearly 17% as...-
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Catalogue Entry: Starts and Completions by Intended Market
Find the latest statistical housing information starts and completions. The data tables are organized by geography Canada provinces Data are broken out by homeownership rental...-
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Catalogue Entry: Results of the Annual Motor Carriers of Freight Survey of Small For-hire...
To provide users with a complete picture of the financial and operational activities associated with Small For-hire Motor Carriers of Freight and Owner Operators in Canada.-
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Catalogue Entry: Air Passenger Origin and Destination, Canada – United States Report
This report presents an integrated set of Canada – United States air passenger origin-destination statistics and analysis.-
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Catalogue Entry: Private nursing and residential care facilities, summary statistics
This table contains summary statistics on operating revenue, operating expenses, salaries, wages, commissions and benefits, and operating profit margin in Private nursing and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services minor capital investments- By program
Data set identifies minor capital investments provided by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services to community transfer payment agencies to renew and renovate capital assets... -
Catalogue Entry: Information requests from the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth (PACY)
The total number of requests for information made by the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth (PACY) to the Ministry of Children and Youth Services' Access and Privacy... -
Catalogue Entry: FSCD - Active Caseload by Disability Type
The Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) program works with eligible families to provide support and services based on each child and family’s needs. Supports...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian government finance statistics for health and social service institutions
Canadian government finance statistics (CGFS), statement of operations and balance sheet for health and social service institutions, annual (dollars x 1,000,000).-
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Catalogue Entry: Property guardianship statistics
The OPGT protects the legal and financial interests of adults who are incapable of doing so themselves. In this role, the OPGT is their guardian of property. These datasets... -
Catalogue Entry: Sexual Assault Centres statistical reporting
The Sexual Assault Centre program provides crisis support and intervention services to victims of sexual assault, abuse and/or incest survivors. Services include: accompanying a... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth Custody Services- Separate Confinement Youth Count—Reasons
This extract provides the number of instances where youth were separately confined for each FY. This data shows a breakdown of the reasons for separate confinement. -
Catalogue Entry: Number of secondary trust accounts for property guardianship clients
The OPGT protects the legal and financial interests of adults who are incapable of doing so themselves. In this role, the OPGT is their guardian of property. These datasets... -
Catalogue Entry: Property guardianship clients compared to provincial population
The OPGT protects the legal and financial interests of adults who are incapable of doing so themselves. In this role, the OPGT is their guardian of property. These datasets...-
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Catalogue Entry: Property guardianship client by age and gender
The OPGT protects the legal and financial interests of adults who are incapable of doing so themselves. In this role, the OPGT is their guardian of property. These datasets... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth Custody Services- Separate Confinement Youth Count--Demographics
B.C. Youth Custody Services has two youth custody centres. This extract provides the number of instances where youth were separately confined in each FY. This data shows a... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth Custody Services-- Separate Confinement Duration (excluding Medical Reasons)
B.C. Youth Custody Services has two youth custody centres. This extract provides the number of instances where youth were separately confined for each FY. This data shows the...