Catalogue Entry: Children’s aid society accountability agreement monitoring data
Qualitative data on the ministry's assessment of children aid societies' progress in implementing the service plan requirements of the 2014-15/2015-16 Accountability Agreement. -
Catalogue Entry: Developmental Services residential vacancy data
Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) offices currently submit this data to the ministry on a quarterly basis. The data is based on declarations of available ministry-funded... -
Catalogue Entry: Developmental Services residential site survey
The Developmental Services (DS) residential site survey captured site-level information from agencies providing residential services to people with developmental disabilities,... -
Catalogue Entry: Developmental Services compliance inspections field data
This data supports compliance inspection activities in the field. It includes tombstone information about service agencies, as well as inspection data about agency compliance... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services transfer payment agency risk assessment
Data on assessment of risk for Ministry of Children and Youth Services' Transfer Payment Agencies, including risk related to governance, service delivery, finances,... -
Catalogue Entry: Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) assessor capacity
This data collected from Developmental Services Ontario agencies includes: - Full Time Equivalent units (FTEs) - Head Count - Proportion of FTEs Dedicated to Completing... -
Catalogue Entry: Developmental services waitlist data - North Region
Waitlist data from Developmental Services Ontario offices began in June 2014. This data continues to support the ministry and Developmental Services Ontario offices to better... -
Catalogue Entry: Data from the Probation Parent /Guardian Experience Survey
The Probation Parent/Guardian Experience survey provides comparison qualitative assessments of Probation Service impact from the perspective of the parents or guardians of youth... -
Catalogue Entry: Data on children and youth services funding for transfer payment agencies
Data derived from the Integrated Financial Information System on Ministry of Children and Youth Services funding to its transfer payment agencies configured by Ministry of... -
Catalogue Entry: Early Childhood Care (Francophone)
his dataset is comprised of child care services in British DEPRECATED Columbia offering services in French. It includes group child care, family child care, preschool and Strong... -
Catalogue Entry: Adults in the Social Assistance Program Jan 2024
Statistics on adults receiving the Social Assistance Program.-
File available for download in the following formats:
- comma separated values(.csv)
Catalogue Entry: BC Employment and Assistance Program by Age
The Ministry reports the breakdown of the BC Employment and Assistance program each month by client age group. This data is from 1995 onwards and includes counts for cases,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: BC Employment and Assistance Program by Federal Electoral District
The Ministry reports the breakdown of the BC Employment and Assistance program each month by federal electoral district. This data is from 1995 onwards and includes counts for...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: BC Employment and Assistance Program by Economic Development Region
The Ministry reports the breakdown of the BC Employment and Assistance program each month by economic development region. This data is from 1995 onwards and includes counts for...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: BC Employment and Assistance Program
The Ministry reports the breakdown of the BC Employment and Assistance program each month. The data is from 1995 and provides cases, recipients and dependent children by BC...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: BC Employment and Assistance Program Flow
The Ministry reports the monthly caseload flow of the BC Employment and Assistance program. This data dates back to 1997 and reports starting cases (new and cycling cases),...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: BC Employment and Assistance Program Transitions
The Ministry reports the monthly caseload for the BC Employment and Assistance program. This data dates back to 1995 and indicates the transitions (movement) between the various...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Children and Family Development - Cases in Care History
This report provides the total number of Child in Care by age groups by year and month. Children In Care were placed into the custody, care or guardianship of a director or the... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Employment and Assistance Program by Health Authority
The Ministry reports the breakdown of the BC Employment and Assistance program each month by health authority. This data is from 1995 onwards and includes counts for cases,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Child Intervention Permanency Outcomes Achieved by Indigenous/non-Indigenous Status
This Children and Family Services dataset provides an overview of the number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous children and youth achieving a permanency outcome. The child...