Catalogue Entry: New Motor Vehicle Sales
This publication presents sales data (in dollars and units) of new vehicles by type (commercial vehicles, buses and coaches, and passenger cars), by origin of manufacture (North...-
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Catalogue Entry: Urban transit operating statistics
This table contains 74 series, with data for years 1975 - 1994 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and was last released on 2000-05-25. This table...-
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Catalogue Entry: Transportation system utilization and performance, Transport Canada
Summary of performance metrics by rail for different areas incoming and outoging from Canada-
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Catalogue Entry: Transportation system utilization and performance, percentage change,...
Monthly performance indicators draw from a variety of data sources to provide information on how Canada's transportation system is performing. The indicators measure...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Transportation supply chain performance, Transport Canada
Monthly performance indicators draw from a variety of data sources to provide information on how Canada's transportation supply chain is performing. The indicators measure the...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Transportation supply chain performance, percentage change, Transport Canada
Monthly performance indicators draw from a variety of data sources to provide information on how Canada's transportation supply chain is performing. The indicators measure the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Transportation activity indicators, Transport Canada - Water
Monthly activity indicators draw from a variety of data sources to provide information on Canada's transportation system. The indicators measure passengers and freight, as well...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Transportation activity indicators, percentage change, Transport Canada - Water
Monthly activity indicators draw from a variety of data sources to provide information on Canada's transportation system. The indicators measure passengers and freight, as well...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Transportation activity indicators, Transport Canada
Dataset captures the numbers regrading transportation activity such as number of passengers, freights carriers, and etc-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Transportation activity indicators, percentage change, Transport Canada
Dataset captures the percentage and number of travellers coming in and going out of Canada and freights-
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Catalogue Entry: Sales of gasoline used for road motor vehicles, monthly, inactive (x 1,000)
Sales of gasoline used for road motor vehicles, monthly-
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Catalogue Entry: Railway carloadings statistics, by total tonnage transported, monthly
Monthly railway industry carloading statistics for intermodal and non-intermodal traffic in metric tonnes, for the period from January to the most current month of the current...-
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Catalogue Entry: Railway carloadings statistics, by commodity (x 1,000)
This table contains 26 series, with data for years 1970 - 1998 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and was last released on 2000-10-20. This table...-
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Catalogue Entry: Production of new motor vehicles
This table contains 161 series, with data for years 1970 - 2010 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and is no longer being released. This table contains...-
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Catalogue Entry: Passenger bus statistics, intercity and rural
This table contains 16 series, with data for years 1975 - 1994 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and was last released on 2000-05-25. This table...-
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Catalogue Entry: Operating statistics of Canadian railways (x 1,000,000)
This table contains 9 series, with data for years 1946 - 1995 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and was last released on 2000-10-20. This table...-
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Catalogue Entry: Number of vehicles travelling between Canada and the United States
Number of vehicles travelling between Canada and the United States, by trip characteristics, length of stay and type of transportation. Data available monthly.-
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Catalogue Entry: Large urban transit statistics, revenue and passenger trips based on 10...
Large urban transit, monthly total revenue and total number of passenger trips, for the 10 major Canadian urban transit operators.-
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Catalogue Entry: Freight Rail Services Price Index, percentage change, monthly
Freight Rail Services Price Index (FRSPI). Monthly data are available from January 2018. The table presents month-to-month and year-to-year percentage changes for various...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Freight Rail Services Price Index, monthly
Freight Rail Services Price Index (FRSPI). Monthly data are available from January 2018. The current base period for the index is 2018=100.-
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