Catalogue Entry: Number of Households by Household Type: 1976–2036
Long-term projections for the total number of households in Canada, the provinces and territories up to the year 2036. Organized by type of household and age group. These tables...-
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Catalogue Entry: Itinerant movements, by type of power plant, airports with NAV CANADA flight...
Annual itinerant movements by type of power plant (jet, turbo-propellers, piston, helicopters and gliders), for airports with NAV CANADA flight service stations-
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Catalogue Entry: Itinerant movements, by type of operation, airports with NAV CANADA flight...
Annual itinerant movements by type of operation (level I-III and foreign air carriers, level IV-VI, other commercial, private, government civil and government military) for...-
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Catalogue Entry: Itinerant movements, by aircraft maximum take-off weight, airports with NAV...
Annual itinerant movements by aircraft weight group, broken down by maximum take-off weight categories ranging from under 2,000 kgs to over 136,000 kgs, for airports with NAV...-
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Catalogue Entry: Itinerant movements, by instrument flight rules, visual flight rules and...
Annual itinerant movements by instrument flight rules (I.F.R.), % of IFR flights, visual flight rules (V.F.R.), % of VFR flights, and runway 88 movements, for airports with NAV...-
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Catalogue Entry: Domestic and international itinerant movements, by type of operation,...
Annual itinerant movements (domestic, transborder and international) by type of operation (level I-III and foreign air carriers, level IV-VI, other commercial, private,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Population groups by shelter-cost-to-income
Population groups by shelter-cost-to-income ratio groups and core housing need for Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions. Includes tenure...-
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