Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2013
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2013. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2014
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2014. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2015
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2015. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Trail Network (OTN) Segment
This spatial dataset represents segments of trails in the Ontario Trail Network (OTN). The OTN contains geospatial networks of trails in urban, rural and wilderness settings...