Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data
List of datasets for parks in Nova Scotia. Information collected through the reservation system for the general public to reserve camping sites in the Nova Scotia Provincial Parks. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2012
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2012. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2013
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2013. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2014
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2014. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2015
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2015. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Yukon Parks and Protected Areas - 1M
Yukon parks and protected areas captured from DCW 1:1,000,000 scale dataset. Boundaries were generalized from survey information captured by Legal Survey Division of Natural... -
Catalogue Entry: Shubenacadie Wildlife Park Attendance in Nova Scotia
Dataset records park attendance: number of visitors to the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park weekly, broken down by adult, youth, and child. -
Catalogue Entry: Park Asset Inventory of Winnipeg
A comprehensive database of assets managed by the Parks and Open Space division. The asset inventory includes everything from Parks down to fixtures in the park (such as benches... -
Catalogue Entry: The Nova Scotia Protected Areas System
These lands help preserve Nova Scotia’s natural values through a blend of legislation, ownership and management. Included here are: National Parks, National Wildlife Areas,... -
Catalogue Entry: Road Restrictions
New Feed Enhancements - August 2022 The new road restrictions feed is available with links listed as Version 3. We will be retiring Versions 1 and 2 on October 1st, 2022.... -
Catalogue Entry: Child protection concerns in a family after an investigation (English Version)
Data linked to service delivery and efficiency indicators organized by children's aid society groupings. -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services minor capital investments- By program
Data set identifies minor capital investments provided by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services to community transfer payment agencies to renew and renovate capital assets... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services minor capital investments - By Region
Data set identifies minor capital investments provided by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services to community transfer payment agencies to renew and renovate capital assets... -
Catalogue Entry: Information requests from the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth (PACY)
The total number of requests for information made by the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth (PACY) to the Ministry of Children and Youth Services' Access and Privacy... -
Catalogue Entry: Brief Child and Family Phone Interview (BCFPI) new referrals
The BCFPI is a structured interview format, administered over the telephone with parents, teachers or adolescents. It is recommended that BCFPIs are completed at intake, prior...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- comma separated values(.csv)
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS) privacy breaches
A privacy breach occurs when personal information is collected, retained, used or disclosed in ways that are not in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of... -
Catalogue Entry: Soldiers’ Aid Commission expenses
The Soldiers’ Aid Commission provides financial assistance to Ontario’s eligible Second World War and Korean War veterans and their families. Under the Agencies and Appointments... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario’s health region geographic data
Geographic information for Ontario Health (OH) Regions, and Home and Community Care Support Services (HCCSS) boundaries. The HCCSS boundary file is maintained by Statistics... -
Catalogue Entry: Licensing status for child care businesses, Canada, 2022
Target population The target population for this survey includes all child care locations in Canada with an annual revenue of at least $2,500 per year. To identify these units,... -
Catalogue Entry: Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) clients admitted to...
The CAFAS is a clinician-administered, multidimensional scale that assesses the level of functioning impairment in children and adolescents. Data was extracted directly from...