6 catalogue entries found

Contains Indigenous Data: No Contains data about individuals: No Organizations: Julian McAuley

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  • Catalogue Entry: Video Game Data

    Step charts from the video game Dance Dance Revolution, and audio files from the NES platform.
      File available for download in the following formats:
    • JSON
  • Catalogue Entry: Steam Video Game and Bundle Data

    These datasets contain reviews from the Steam video game platform, and information about which games were bundled together.
      File available for download in the following formats:
    • JSON
  • Catalogue Entry: Social Recommendation Data

    These datasets include ratings as well as social (or trust) relationships between users. Data are from LibraryThing (a book review website) and epinions (general consumer reviews).
  • Catalogue Entry: Goodreads Spoilers

    These datasets contain reviews from the Goodreads book review website, along with annotated "spoiler" information from each review.
      File available for download in the following formats:
    • JSON
  • Catalogue Entry: Goodreads Book Reviews

    These datasets contain reviews from the Goodreads book review website, and a variety of attributes describing the items. Critically, these datasets have multiple levels of user...
      File available for download in the following formats:
    • JSON
  • Catalogue Entry: DogWhistle: Cant Understanding Data

    DogWhistle is a Chinese dataset collected from the historical records for an online game. It provides hidden words and the cant for them, with human answers. The dataset is...
      File available for download in the following formats:
    • CSV
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