Catalogue Entry: Fishing Access Point in Ontario
Dataset records sites where anglers can access fishing locations. -
Catalogue Entry: Youth served by the Youth Mental Health Court Worker Program
Program data includes identifying information about youth served by the Youth Mental Health Court Worker program, such as demographic information, personal health information,... -
Catalogue Entry: Alternative Education Resources for Ontario (AERO) database
AERO is a web-based digital repository that houses alternative learning formats for students with perceptual disabilities who attend publicly funded educational institutions in... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Database
This database contains Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) information, including recipients, payment, claims, and pharmacy and practitioner information. The ODB Program provides drug... -
Catalogue Entry: Child care staff
Child care staff are employees at the child care site that provide services to the licensee of the child care facility and include child care providers and cooks. -
Catalogue Entry: Testing, infection and complication rates of COVID-19 among homeless people
The dataset described testing, infection and complication rates of COVID-19 among people with a recent history of homelessness in Ontario-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Works employment assistance data
The Ministry of Community and Social Services data set for Ontario Works employment assistance contains information (participation status, type of activity) on individuals... -
Catalogue Entry: Vision Care database
The Vision Care (VC) Database facilitates the payment process of Vision Care claims from optometrists or opticians who serve eligible social assistance recipients or their... -
Catalogue Entry: Seniors Friendly Hospitals quality improvement program data
Seniors Friendly Hospitals (SFH) is a quality improvement initiative that focuses on issues relating to frail seniors in the hospital setting. SFH operates independently of... -
Catalogue Entry: Soldiers’ Aid Commission expenses
The Soldiers’ Aid Commission provides financial assistance to Ontario’s eligible Second World War and Korean War veterans and their families. Under the Agencies and Appointments... -
Catalogue Entry: Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision (IRCS) Orders and IRCS...
IRCS Order is a sentencing option that provides court approved treatment and rehabilitation plans for youth found guilty of a serious violent offence and diagnosed with a mental... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult non-credit ESL/FSL learner survey data
The dataset contains feedback from people who have taken English as a Second Language and French as a Second Language courses (cross-sectional data). User data has been... -
Catalogue Entry: Case Management On Demand (CMOD) - Ontario Immigrant Nominee (OINP) version
This dataset contains information on all the immigration streams of the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). It contains information on cases, demographic, and... -
Catalogue Entry: Child and Parent Resource Institute data using a child/youth suite of tools
Includes data from the Child and Parent Resource Institute on the following child/youth suite of tools: Child and Youth Mental Health instrument, Child and Youth Mental Health -... -
Catalogue Entry: Clients served by the Child and Parent Resource Institute Services
Data on all services received by Child and Parent Resource Institute clients including service referral / admission / discharge dates. -
Catalogue Entry: Youth served by the Intensive Support and Supervision Program
Calculates use of program and monitors program issues in field. Data reported quarterly to regional staff and corporate office. Mainly for numbers served and to monitor field... -
Catalogue Entry: Proposed new applications for child care facilities
An application for a child care licence to operate a new, proposed child care centre or home child care agency. This data includes details including the proposed location,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cancer Care Ontario vendor dataset
Mailing, banking and other pertinent details of all vendors receiving payment from Cancer Care Ontario for goods, services, or expense reimbursement. Vendors include, but are... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) disability adjudication data
The Ministry of Community and Social Services data set for Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) adjudication contains ODSP disability adjudication applications and their... -
Catalogue Entry: Crown Ward Transitional Aged Youth
The data collection is intended to further strengthen forecasting and inter- ministerial planning for Crown Ward Transitional Aged Youth in the Ministry of Children and Youth...