Find the latest statistical housing information on apartment starts and completions. The data tables can be viewed by: Canada provinces census metropolitan areas (CMAs) large...
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Housing starts are an economic indicator that reflect the number of residential housing projects that have been started over a specific length of time. These data are divided...
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Find the latest statistical housing information on market absorptions. Data are organized by: average price of unabsorbed single-detached and semi-detached units absorption...
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Find the latest statistical housing information on starts, completions, and units under construction. The housing data is organized by Census subdivisions. You can also view...
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Find the latest statistical housing information starts and completions. The data tables are organized by smaller geographies: census metropolitan areas (CMAs) large census...
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Find the latest statistical housing information starts and completions. The data tables are organized by geography Canada provinces Data are broken out by homeownership rental...
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