Catalogue Entry: Municipalities
Data is based on the latest information provided to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Includes: municipality name municipal status geographic area-
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Catalogue Entry: 2013 municipal/private sewage
The report demonstrates how we are meeting our Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan commitment to hold polluters accountable for their actions. It includes information about steps...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 2013 industrial sewage
The report demonstrates how we are meeting our Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan commitment to hold polluters accountable for their actions. It includes information about steps...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 2006 Commercial Vehicle Survey: origin and destination
The dataset contains trip origin, destination, commodity group, average daily trips, commodity weight and value. The data represents activity by medium and heavy trucks only....-
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