Catalogue Entry: Number of vehicles travelling between Canada and the United States
Number of vehicles travelling between Canada and the United States, by trip characteristics, length of stay and type of transportation. Data available monthly.-
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Catalogue Entry: Large urban transit statistics, revenue and passenger trips based on 10...
Large urban transit, monthly total revenue and total number of passenger trips, for the 10 major Canadian urban transit operators.-
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Catalogue Entry: For-hire motor carrier freight services price index, monthly (2007=100)
Truck transportation for Canada. (2007=100) The index includes data for the current period, as well as those for the last four periods.-
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Catalogue Entry: Difficulties for parents and guardians in finding a child care arrangement
Difficulties for parents and guardians in finding a child care arrangement, children with long-term conditions or disabilities, aged 0 to 5 years-
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Catalogue Entry: Core housing need by tenure including presence of mortgage payments and...
Core housing need by tenure including presence of mortgage payments and subsidized housing for Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions.... -
Catalogue Entry: Shelter-cost-to-income ratio by visible minority and immigrant status and...
Data on shelter-cost-to-income ratio by visible minority, immigrant status and period of immigration, age and gender for the population in owner and tenant households with...-
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Catalogue Entry: Population groups by shelter-cost-to-income
Population groups by shelter-cost-to-income ratio groups and core housing need for Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions. Includes tenure...-
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Catalogue Entry: Public organizations with a documented asset management plan, by core...
Count of regional and municipal organizations with and without a documented asset management plan by core public infrastructure assets. Core public infrastructure assets consist... -
Catalogue Entry: Public ownership of core infrastructure assets, Infrastructure Canada
Number of core public infrastructure assets owned provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally. Core public infrastructure assets consist of public transit, potable... -
Catalogue Entry: Selected economic housing characteristics, by visible minority and other...
Population in private households living in affordable housing and average total household income adjusted for the number of persons, by visible minority and selected... -
Catalogue Entry: Long-form data quality indicators for housing characteristics
Data on long-form data quality indicators for 2021 Census housing characteristics content, Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations... -
Catalogue Entry: Municipal organizations with a documented asset management plan, by core...
Count of municipal organizations with and without a documented asset management plan by core public infrastructure assets. Core public infrastructure assets consist of public... -
Catalogue Entry: Municipal ownership of core infrastructure assets
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Catalogue Entry: Persons living in acceptable housing
There is no description for this catalogue entry
Catalogue Entry: Count of public organizations who factored climate change adaptation into...
Data are available for core public infrastructure assets which consist of public transit, potable water, stormwater, wastewater, solid waste, roads, bridges and tunnels, public... -
Catalogue Entry: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, average rents for areas with a...
This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (247 items: Carbonear; Newfoundland and Labrador; Corner Brook;...-
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Catalogue Entry: Dental insurance coverage and dental visits, by age group and gender
This table shows dental insurance coverage and visits by age group and gender in Canada. Age group options are Total 12 years and Over, 18 to 34 years, 35 to 49 years, 50 to 64...-
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Catalogue Entry: Survey on Before and After School Care in Canada: Public Use Microdata File 2022
This public use microdata file (PUMF) contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Survey on Before and After School Care in Canada (SBASCC).... -
Catalogue Entry: Centre-based child care businesses, staff profile by Early Childhood...
Centre-based child care businesses, staff profile by Early Childhood Education attainment, Canada, 2022 -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Survey on Early Learning and Child Care: Public Use Microdata File
This public use microdata file (PUMF) contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Canadian Survey on Early Learning and Child Care (CSELCC)....