Catalogue Entry: Total field magnetic, Wernecke Mountain Aeromagnetic Survey, NTS 106D (north...
This map of the magnetic total field was derived from data acquired during an aeromagnetic survey carried out by Fugro Airborne Surveys during the period April 17, 2006 to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Use of Diffuser Systems for Dispersion of Placer Mining Effluent
Placer mining involves washing stream gravel to separate and save free gold particles. Usually a placer mine must discharge excess effluent water, which contains some residual...-
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Catalogue Entry: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1982
This report contains three main sections: 1) introduction, description of Exploration and Geological Services Division and overview of the Yukon Mineral industry; 2) technical...-
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Catalogue Entry: Yukon Mining, Development and Exploration Overview 2003
Yukon mining, Development and Exploration Overview, 2003 is published as a stand-alone report as well as within the larger publication Yukon Exploration and Geology 2003. It...-
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Catalogue Entry: Yukon Geoscience Needs: Results of the Third Yukon Geoscience Planning Workshop
This is the third in a series of five-year planning documents that have guided government geoscience in the Yukon over the last ten years. It presents a broad set of needs and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Geological Compilation Maps of the Northern Stewart River Area, Klondike and...
This set of maps represents a geological compilation of the northern part of the Stewart River map area, southwest of the Tintina Fault Zone. This report includes six 1:50...-
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Catalogue Entry: Surficial geology of Doyle Creek (115J/11), Yukon (1:50 000 scale)
Surficial geology of Doyle Creek (115J/11), Yukon (1:50 000 scale)-
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Catalogue Entry: Yukon Exploration and Geology 2010
YEG 2010 contains up-to-date information on mining and mineral exploration activity, studies by industry, and results of recent geological field studies. Information in this... -
Catalogue Entry: Surficial geology of Talbot Creek (115G/09), Yukon (1: 50 000 scale)
The Talbot Creek map area straddles the Ruby and Nisling ranges. Broad treeless uplands dominate the landscape with summits reaching 2100 m above sea level in the Ruby Range and... -
Catalogue Entry: Geological Map of Rose Mountain (105K/5 SE), central Yukon (1:25 000 scale)
Geological map (1:25 000 scale) of Rose Mountain area, central Yukon (NTS 105 K/5 SE) including a geological cross-section, mineral occurrences, isotopic age determinations,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Geological map of Rose Mountain (NTS 105K/5 NW), Yukon (1:25,000 scale)
Geological map of Rose Mountain (NTS 105K/5 NW), Yukon (1:25,000 scale)-
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Catalogue Entry: Regional stream sediment and water geochemical data, Nahoni Range area,...
This CD-ROM contains stream sediment and water data. These data have been compiled in separate flatfiles in Microsoft Excel file format. These standard file formats are easily...-
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Catalogue Entry: Yukon Mining, Development & Exploration Overview 2004
This volume contains overviews on Yukon Mining, Development and Exploration, Placer Mining, Mining Incentives Program, and activities of the Yukon Geological Survey. Mineral...-
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Catalogue Entry: Geology of Gravel Creek (105B/10) and Irvine Lake (105B/11) Map Areas,...
The Irvine Lake and Gravel lake map-areas (NTS 105 B/10,11) lie within the northern Omineca Belt, west of the Tintina-Northern Rocky Mountain Trench (NRMT) fault. The eastern...-
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Catalogue Entry: Geological Map of Fairchild Lake area (NTS 106C/13) Wernecke Mountains, Yukon
Geological map (1:50 000 scale) of Fairchild Lake area, Wernecke Mountains, central Yukon (NTS 106 C/13) including a geological cross-section, mineral occurrences and...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Geological map of map area 116 A/10, Southeastern Ogilvie Mountains, Yukon Territory
Geological map (1:50 000 scale) of southeastern Ogilvie Mountains area, central Yukon (NTS 116 A/10) including geological cross-sections and mineral occurrences.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Geology of NTS Map Area 116A/10, Eastern Ogilvie Mountains, Yukon
Geological map (1:50 000 scale) of eastern Ogilvie Mountains area, central Yukon (NTS 116 A/10) including geological cross-sections and mineral occurrences.-
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Catalogue Entry: Shape and Composition of Lode and Placer Gold from the Klondike District,...
We have determined the major and trace element composition of approximately 2700 gold particles from 21 gold-bearing mesothermal quartz veins and 35 placer gold samples from the...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Geology of Thirty-seven Mile Creek map area, southern Yukon Territory, (NTS 105 D/13)
Geology of Thirty-Seven Mile Creek map area (1:50 000 scale), southern Yukon Territory (NTS 105 D/13) including geological cross-sections and mineral occurrences.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Geological Map of Slats Creek Area (NTS 106D/16), Wernecke Mountains, Yukon
Geological map (1:50 000 scale) of Slats Creek area, Wernecke Mountains, central Yukon (NTS 106 D/16) including geological cross-sections, mineral occurrences and preliminary...-
File available for download in the following formats: