Shubenacadie Wildlife Park's Wetland Centre Education Programs Attendance displaying the total number of adults and childred that attended education programming per year.
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The MRDF is designed to assist prospectors, exploration companies, and researchers, employ post-secondary students, and support projects in the mining sector that attract...
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Nova Scotia is a national leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and the province remains committed to fighting climate change. Solar electricity provides clean and...
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The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables is committed to supporting locally driven projects that create long-lasting greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions in...
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Provides information on funding received by individual students to date, since the program’s inception in 2005. Dataset contains the year, student name, amount of scholarship...
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[ARCHIVED] Information collected through the reservation system for the general public to reserve camping sites in the Nova Scotia Provincial Parks for 2013
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Shubenacadie Wildlife Park's Wetland Centre Education Programs displaying the total number of attendees and variety of programs offered and delivered each year.
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Listing of Hunting and Fishing (including Salmon) License Sellers in Nova Scotia. Includes county, vendor (business) name, address and contact telephone number.
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[ARCHIVED] Information collected through the reservation system for the general public to reserve camping sites in the Nova Scotia Provincial Parks for 2012
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[ARCHIVED] Information collected through the reservation system for the general public to reserve camping sites in the Nova Scotia Provincial Parks for 2015
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Successful applicants to Community Feed-in Tariff Program, which ran from 2011-2016. COMFIT allowed community-owned groups to own locally-distributed renewable electricity...
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The province is strengthening its commitment to address climate change and grow the economy with its new Electric Vehicle Rebate program. The rebate program gives Nova Scotians...
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