Lists the median income of families, including couple families, lone-parent families, and people without children, by municipality and municipal district. By definition, half of...
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Lists the annual number and value of land transfers in Alberta by municipality. This includes transfers of all or part of a land, transfers of minerals, surface, leasehold...
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The percentage of total municipal property assessments represented by residential property, by year and municipality or municipal district. This measurement can be used as an...
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Lists the employment rate, unemployment rate, and participation rate by census year, gender, and municipality and municipal district. The employment rate refers to the number of...
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The total value of a municipality's equalized assessment, by year, property type, and municipality and municipal district. The total value of a municipality's equalized...
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An approximate annual value of announced or under construction capital projects above $5 million in December of each year, by year, sector, and municipality and municipal district.
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Lists municipal tax rates, expressed as a mill rate, for Alberta municipalities. The Mill rate is the amount of tax payable per dollar of the assessed value of a property. The...
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Residential rental rates by municipality, year, and type of unit (bachelor suites, one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom units) in non-subsidized rental buildings that have...
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The daily net number of commuters of a municipality, by census year and municipality and municipal district. Net commuter flow is defined as the difference between people...
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Lists the number and value of all municipal building permits granted in the calendar year, by building type (commercial, industrial, institutional and residential) and...
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