23 catalogue entries found

Contact Point: Government of Saskatchewan; Government of Saskatchewan; Government of Saskatchewan, egis@gov.sk.ca Domain / Topic: Transport

Filter Results
  • Catalogue Entry: Weight Classification Map

    Primary Weight, Provincial Highways and RM Roads, Clearing the Path Corridors Map A map of primary weight provincial highways and RM roads clearing the path corridors
      File available for download in the following formats:
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  • Catalogue Entry: JUNCTION OFFICIAL

    JUNCTION_OFFICIAL is one of the important layers for Saskatchewan Upgraded Road Network (SURN) and National Road Network (NRN). The JUNCTION_OFFICIAL provides the information of...
      File available for download in the following formats:
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  • Catalogue Entry: ROADSEG

    ROADSEG is one of the important layers for Saskatchewan Upgraded Road Network (SURN) and National Road Network (NRN). The ROADSEG is created to serve a diverse group of clients...
      File available for download in the following formats:
    • HTML
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