PCS Regions contains the boundaries of park regions for the administration and management purposes of provincial parks, recreation sites, protected areas, and historic sites by...
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This dataset is the bedrock geology layer of the Precambrian shield area of the Province of Saskatchewan merged from 1:250,000 scale compilation map series. This dataset shows...
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Boundaries for reporting cases of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan. Areas, zones and subzones show the different geographies available; these boundaries are based on statistics Canada...
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This dataset is the digital compilation of the 1:1 million scale faults and fault systems for the Province of Saskatchewan. This dataset represents the 1:1 million scale major...
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This dataset shows the location of Mackenzie diabase dykes for the Province of Saskatchewan. This dataset shows the Mackenzie diabase dykes for the Province of Saskatchewan....
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This map data displays environmental discharges (spills) in Saskatchewan with location, confirmed substance and quantity. This data is limited to events that occurred between...
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Boundaries developed for use when aggregating cases and reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saskatchewan. The province of Saskatchewan has been divided into six distinct...
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This dataset represents the 1:1 Million scale bedrock geology for the Province of Saskatchewan. This dataset shows the 1:1 Million scale bedrock geology for the Province of...
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This map service provides access to the 1:250 000 Scale Geology datasets shown on the GeoAtlas application. This dataset shows 1:250,000 scale Quaternary geology line work for...
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This dataset shows 1:250,000 scale faults/lineaments of the Precambrian Shield area of Saskatchewan. This dataset shows the 1:250,000 scale bedrock geology faults/lineaments of...
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This dataset shows the surficial geology for the Province of Saskatchewan and is designed for the Resource Map of Saskatchewan. This dataset shows the surficial geology for the...
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This dataset shows the surficial geology points for the Province of Saskatchewan and is designed for the Resource Map of Saskatchewan. This dataset shows the surficial geology...
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Locations for the collection, treatment and disposal of solid wastes generated by the Saskatchewan populations using effective waste management practices. The Provincial...
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This dataset shows the surficial geology lines for the Province of Saskatchewan and is designed for the Resource Map of Saskatchewan. This dataset shows the surficial geology...
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This dataset is a digital representation of Saskatchewan's Quaternary geology at 1:250 000 scale. This dataset is a 1:250,000 scale Quaternary geology map series showing...
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