The dataset includes subsurface stratigraphic picks for the base of the Belly River Group/Wapiti Formation in the Alberta Plains (Townships 1 to 94, Ranges 1W4 to 14W6) made...
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This digital dataset represents the modelled outputs of the three-dimensional distribution of sandiness in the Paskapoo Formation, Alberta, Canada. Sand-abundance values were...
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This digital data release includes Rock Eval and total organic carbon results of selected samples for analyses of shale gas, oil and liquids. The strata evaluated include the: -...
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The dataset includes subsurface stratigraphic picks of the Milk River 'shoulder' in the Alberta Plains (Townships 1 to 73, Ranges 1W4 to 2W6) made from wireline geophysical well...
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This digital dataset is the compilation of an analysis of the in situ stress regime in several regions of Alberta and northeastern British Columbia conducted by Dr. Sebastian...
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The dataset includes subsurface stratigraphic picks of the tops of the Horseshoe Canyon/Wapiti and Battle formations in the west-central Alberta Plains (Townships 15 to 67,...
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The bedrock topography of Alberta is the surface of the top of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene bedrock, and reveals geomorphic features created by Paleogene to Recent river...
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The dataset accompanies Alberta Geological Survey Open File Report 2009-01. The dataset contains the results of geochemical analyses of rock samples from the Bad Heart...
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The dataset includes subsurface stratigraphic picks for the formations that comprise the Beaverhill Lake Group (Townships 29 to 113, Ranges 1W4 to 13W6) made from wireline...
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This digital data release includes adsorption isotherm and proximate analysis results of selected samples for shale- and siltstone-hosted hydrocarbons. The strata evaluated...
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The dataset includes subsurface stratigraphic picks for the top of the Oldman Formation (base of the Dinosaur Park Formation) in the Alberta Plains (Townships 1 to 47, Ranges...
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In 2010, for the Alberta Geological Survey Saline Aquifer Mapping Project, we collected and analyzed 38 water samples from oil wells producing from geological units, including...
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This dataset has stratigraphic and lithological picks of the upper bedrock and Quaternary geological units in the Athabasca Oil Sands Area extending north from Cold Lake to the...
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This data release is a compilation of data that characterize Alberta groundwater springs. It was compiled from several government datasets and reports, and fieldwork conducted...
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The dataset includes subsurface stratigraphic picks for the top of the Foremost Formation (Belly River Group) in the Alberta Plains (Townships 1 to 52, Ranges 1W4 to 5W5) made...
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The dataset includes subsurface stratigraphic picks for the interfingering members that define the transition between the Belly River Group and the Lea Park Formation in east-...
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This data release includes fluid saturation results of selected samples for analyses of shale- and siltstone-hosted hydrocarbons. The strata evaluated include the: - basal Banff...
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This dataset contains information about locations and descriptions of outcrop observations and samples collected in southern Alberta. It also contains full analytical results...
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This digital data release includes helium pycnometry results of selected samples for analyses of shale- and siltstone-hosted hydrocarbons. The strata evaluated include the: -...
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This lithium ground- and formation-water geochemical dataset will enable present and future companies to better evaluate their targets and characterize their resource estimates...
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