43 catalogue entries found

Contact Point: Government and Consumer Services Licenses: Open Government Licence – Ontario

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  • Catalogue Entry: Government document terms

    Bilingual glossaries related to: * budget items from the Ontario Budget, the Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review * budget items from the Expenditure Estimates, the Public...
      File available for download in the following formats:
    • CSV
  • Catalogue Entry: Government terms

    Glossaries on the following topics: * common abbreviations * government websites * job ads and position descriptions * signage (including court signage) * news releases and...
      File available for download in the following formats:
    • CSV
  • Catalogue Entry: Ontario top baby names (male)

    The first names from births registered in Ontario from 1917 to 2022. Counts of fewer than 5 names were suppressed for privacy. ## Related Ontario top baby names (female)
      File available for download in the following formats:
    • CSV
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