The BC Data Catalogue is the place to find B.C. Government data, applications and web services. Government ministries and many broader public sector agencies publish their data...
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The BC Address Geocoder is a REST API that can used to resolve the physical locations of addresses and place names in British Columbia (i.e., their latitude and longitude). It...
File available for download in the following formats:
The BC Data Catalogue is the place to find B.C. Government data, applications and web services. Government ministries and many broader public sector agencies publish their data...
File available for download in the following formats:
Statistics of downloads of data from licensed under the B.C. Open Government Licence from July 19, 2011 onwards. Fields include record unique identifier,...
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This is an RSS feed of all engagement opportunities listed in the Health and Safety category on, the B.C. government's directory of public engagement...
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