This data set contains results from a MCYS employee survey created in 2012 and fielded to MCYS staff for approximately two weeks in January and February of 2013. The 2013 MCYS...
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The adoption homestudies data shows the number of homestudies completed during the fiscal year inclusive of those withdrawn, rejected and approved, conducted by a children's aid...
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This dataset includes snapshot information for 33,615 individuals, including: * age * gender * living arrangement * income source(s) * communication * use of disability aids *...
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This data includes the characteristics of Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program cases, by census metropolitan area, and by the province including: * family type *...
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About 1 in 10 children need extra help developing speech and language skills. Without help, it may be harder for these children to listen, talk, read and play with others....
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The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Employment Supports Management System (ESMS) uses portions of the Social Assistance Management System (SAMS) dataset to facilitate...
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The Indigenous Healthy Babies Healthy Children program helps Indigenous children start a healthy life in ways that honour and respect Indigenous culture and beliefs.
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The Soldiers’ Aid Commission provides financial assistance to Ontario’s eligible Second World War and Korean War veterans and their families. Under the Agencies and Appointments...
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For many young people, growing up today can be tough. You face new challenges and you might not know where to turn for help finding a job or starting a business. Learn about...
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Data prior to April 1998 includes recipients of: * general welfare assistance * family benefits * foster care * handicapped children benefits Data from April 1, 1998 onward...
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If your child or youth has multiple or complex special needs, you can contact a dedicated service planning coordinator who can help: * connect you with the services your child...
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