This product provides information on Capital Investment Expenditures in Alberta Agri-Food Industries (both the food and beverage manufacturing and the agriculture industries)...
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This product provides information on Alberta Slaughter Cattle Prices, for a ten year period. Comparison of Steers, Heifers, Cows D1/D2 and D3, Feeder Cows and Bulls Prices per...
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This product provides information on the Value ($) and Percent Change(%) from previous Year of Alberta Agri-Food Exports by Country, for a five-year period. All countries, Top...
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This product provides information on Livestock Slaughtered in Alberta and Western Canada, for a ten-year period. Monthly data; and in Alberta in 2012, 2013 and 2014; Percent of...
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This product provides information on the Value($) and Year-over-Year Percent Change(%) of Alberta International Agri-Food Exports to All Countries, to the United States, and All...
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This products provides information on Alberta Farm Cash Receipts from the Sales of Livestock during the 30-year period. Total Livestock Market Cash Receipts of Cattle and...
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This product provides information on Alberta Dairy Industry, for a five-year period. Number of Milk Producers; Milk Production; Average Daily Shipment per Milk Producer; and the...
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This product provides information on Average Calf Prices, Northern Alberta, for a twelve-year period. Prices for Feeder Steers and Feeder Heifers by Lbs-ranges; and monthly...
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This product provides information on Livestock (Cattle and Calves, Hogs, Sheep and Lamb) Slaughtered, Canada and Provinces, for an eight-year period. Annual Percent Change of...
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This product provides information on the Value ($) and Percent Change(%) from previous Year of Alberta Agri-Food Exports to Asia, for a five-year period. Top Five Markets in...
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This Product provides information on Census of Agriculture, Profile for Alberta, 1991-2011. Number of Rural and Urban Population; Total Census Farms, Farm Operators; Average...
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This product provides information on Alberta Brand Inspection Record of Live Cattle and Calf Shipments Out-of-Province, over a two-year period. Total Shipments Number of...
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This product provides information on Non-Board Feed Grain Prices, over a ten-year period. Comparison of the $/tonne prices for Wheat, Oats, Barely in Lethbridge, Calgary, Red...
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This product provides information on the per capita consumption of meats (beef, veal, mutton/lamb, pork and poultry) in Canada and United States for a thirty-year period. Trend...
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This product provides information on Greenhouse Industry, Alberta and Canada, for a nine-year period. Alberta and Canada's Total Area (sq. ft.) and Total sales ($); and Alberta...
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This Alberta Official Statistic provides information on Alberta total agri-food exports and top five export products from 2000 to 2014. Alberta’s international agri-food exports...
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This product provides information on the Quantity (tonnes) and Percent Change(%) from previous Year of Alberta Beef Exports by Country, for a five-year period. Country Rank in...
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This product provides information on the Value($) and Percent Change(%) from previous Year of Alberta Beef Exports by Country , for a five-year period. Country Rank in most...
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This product provides information on the Value($) and Quantity(tonnes) and Percent Change(%) from previous Year of Alberta Wheat Exports by Countries, for a five-year period....
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This Product provides information on Census of Agriculture, Alberta Farm Operators, 1996-2011. Total number of Census Farms and Total Farm Operators, Average Age (years) of Farm...
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