Catalogue Entry: Clients served by the Child and Parent Resource Institute Services
Data on all services received by Child and Parent Resource Institute clients including service referral / admission / discharge dates. -
Catalogue Entry: Benefit Program Client Services (BPCS) dataset
This dataset contains current and historical patient information for Ontarians who are enrolled in Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care programs such as the Ontario Drug... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth served by the Intensive Support and Supervision Program
Calculates use of program and monitors program issues in field. Data reported quarterly to regional staff and corporate office. Mainly for numbers served and to monitor field... -
Catalogue Entry: Crown Ward Transitional Aged Youth
The data collection is intended to further strengthen forecasting and inter- ministerial planning for Crown Ward Transitional Aged Youth in the Ministry of Children and Youth... -
Catalogue Entry: Developmental Services labour market data
Beginning in the fourth quarter of the 2013/14 fiscal year, the Ministry of Community and Social Services extracts detailed staffing and financial information (e.g., salaries,... -
Catalogue Entry: Post-service Self-Report Quality of Life for inpatient services
Includes post-service data for inpatient services using the Self-Report Quality of Life-Child and Youth Mental Health instrument; which captures information on living... -
Catalogue Entry: Post-service Self-Report Quality of Life for outpatient services
Includes post-service data for outpatient services using the Self-Report Quality of Life-Child and Youth Mental Health instrument; which captures information on living... -
Catalogue Entry: Family Services Ontario conjoint counselling pilot evaluation data
The data comes from the four service providers who are participating in the conjoint counselling pilot. The project is a pilot for emotionally focused therapy (EFT) for couples... -
Catalogue Entry: Family Quality of Life for both Inpatient and outpatient services
Includes pre-service and post-service data using the Family Quality of Life Instrument; the tool measures the perception of the family's life satisfaction and well-being before... -
Catalogue Entry: Employment Insurance database
The Ministry of Community and Social Services data set for Employment Insurance (EI) contains information on EI claimants who apply for regular, sickness, maternity, parental,...