Catalogue Entry: Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Database
This database contains Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) information, including recipients, payment, claims, and pharmacy and practitioner information. The ODB Program provides drug... -
Catalogue Entry: Child care staff
Child care staff are employees at the child care site that provide services to the licensee of the child care facility and include child care providers and cooks. -
Catalogue Entry: Home Care Data (HCD)
This dataset contains clinical information for planning and reporting, information on assessments, admission to programs and service records. -
Catalogue Entry: Student participation in Special Education programs or services
Includes data for Individual Education Plan (IEP) including: Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC); exceptionality(ies); and special education placement type... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Works employment assistance data
The Ministry of Community and Social Services data set for Ontario Works employment assistance contains information (participation status, type of activity) on individuals... -
Catalogue Entry: Permanent Resident Data (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada)
This dataset reports on the number of individuals given permanent resident status in Canada and their demographics (2005-2015). It includes variables such as birth country,... -
Catalogue Entry: Resident Assessment Instrument – Home Care (RAIHC)
Contains data that assesses the care and needs of adult patients in hospital and community settings for in-home and placement services Data is collected in Long Stay Assessment... -
Catalogue Entry: Child Abuse Register data
The Child Abuse Register is a confidential database of information concerning reports by Children's Aid Societies of alleged abuse by an individual in charge of a child. it is... -
Catalogue Entry: Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision (IRCS) Orders and IRCS...
IRCS Order is a sentencing option that provides court approved treatment and rehabilitation plans for youth found guilty of a serious violent offence and diagnosed with a mental... -
Catalogue Entry: Adoption Crown Ward database
Custodian of Adoption Information staff members enter personal registration data on a daily basis for individuals applying for any of the following services: Severe Medical... -
Catalogue Entry: Analytical tables derived from the Family Responsibility Office Case...
The ministry uses these analytical tables to produce analytical products to support the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) on a regular and ad hoc basis. The ministry produces... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult non-credit ESL/FSL learner survey data
The dataset contains feedback from people who have taken English as a Second Language and French as a Second Language courses (cross-sectional data). User data has been... -
Catalogue Entry: Case Management On Demand (CMOD) - Ontario Immigrant Nominee (OINP) version
This dataset contains information on all the immigration streams of the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). It contains information on cases, demographic, and... -
Catalogue Entry: Child and Parent Resource Institute data using a child/youth suite of tools
Includes data from the Child and Parent Resource Institute on the following child/youth suite of tools: Child and Youth Mental Health instrument, Child and Youth Mental Health -... -
Catalogue Entry: Clients served by the Child and Parent Resource Institute Services
Data on all services received by Child and Parent Resource Institute clients including service referral / admission / discharge dates. -
Catalogue Entry: Benefit Program Client Services (BPCS) dataset
This dataset contains current and historical patient information for Ontarians who are enrolled in Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care programs such as the Ontario Drug... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth served by the Intensive Support and Supervision Program
Calculates use of program and monitors program issues in field. Data reported quarterly to regional staff and corporate office. Mainly for numbers served and to monitor field...