Catalogue Entry: New Brunswick Provincial Parks
Dataset represents administrative boundaries of provincial parks and promote the use of a common geometric representation. -
Catalogue Entry: New Brunswick Federal Parks and Protected Areas
Dataset represents administrative boundaries of national parks and promote the use of a common geometric representation.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: City Of Yellowknife Trails
Feature class depicting the City's hiking and multi-purpose trails. -
Catalogue Entry: Manitoba Parks - Winter Recreation Trails
Dataset records a polyline feature layer of winter trails in Manitoba provincial parks. The feature layer contains polylines showing locations of winter trails in Manitoba...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
- GeoDatabase
Catalogue Entry: Saskatchewan Parks Boundaries
The Saskatchewan Parks Boundaries dataset includes Provincial Parks (PP), Recreation Sites (RS), and Historic Sites (HS) as described in the The Parks Act, The Recreation Sites... -
Catalogue Entry: PCS Regions in Saskatchewan
Dataset contains the boundaries of regions of provincial parks, recreation sites, protected areas and historic sites in Saskatchewan. -
Catalogue Entry: PCS Regional Parks in Saskatchewan
Dataset contains the approved boundary of regional parks in Saskatchewan under The Regional Parks Act, 2013.