This table displays materials diverted by source (residential and non-residential) for Canada, provinces and territories every two years. The unit of measure is tonnes.
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Canadian Classification of Functions of Government (CCOFOG) by consolidated government component (dollars x 1,000,000), annual, data series beginning in 2008.
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Greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide equivalents), by industries and households. Industry aggregation is at the L-level of the input-output accounts of Statistics Canada.
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Energy use (terajoules), greenhouse gas emissions (kilotonnes), and water use (cubic metres x 1,000) by category of final demand (Personal expenditure, non-profit institutions...
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Intensity of energy use is measured in gigajoules per thousand dollars of production. Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions is measured in tonnes per thousand dollars of...
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This table displays the disposal of waste by source (residential and non-residential) for Canada, provinces and territories every two years. The unit of measure is tonnes.
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This table contains 92 series, with data starting from 2009 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following...
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