Coal zone boundary for the McKay Coal Zone is based on subcrops generated by Alberta Geological Survey Special Report 007 (Regional Evaluation of the Coalbed Methane Potential...
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All available bathymetry and related information for Fawcett Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...
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This cartographic quality series of 1:1 000 000 scale colour maps cover the provincial extent of Alberta. The primary provincial base map displays the Alberta Township System...
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List of vascular plants (clubmosses, horsetails, ferns, conifers and flowering plants) documented for the province of Alberta, including native as well as some exotic...
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List of non-vascular plants (mosses, liverworts and hornworts) documented for the province of Alberta including native as well as exotic (introduced) species.
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This cartographic quality series of printable 1:2 000 000 scale colour maps cover the provincial extent of Alberta. The 1:2 000 000 scale maps are a generalized small scale...
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