In the early 1980’s, thousands of trees were destructively sampled across Canada by the Canadian Forest Service (CFS) as part of the ENergy from the FORest research (ENFOR)...
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The purpose of this strategy is to establish the vision and objectives for managing the Defence application portfolio as an enabler to Defence business and operational...
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This dataset includes daily discharge for the La Salle River near Elie, Manitoba, Canada (Water Survey of Canada Hydrometric Station 05OG008) for the time period of 1990 – 2013....
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This dataset includes water chemistry data for the La Salle River near Elie, Manitoba, Canada (Water Survey of Canada Hydrometric Station 05OG008) for the time period of 2009 –...
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This dataset includes hourly data weather data for the La Salle River Watershed Near Elie, Manitoba, Canada (Water Survey of Canada Hydrometric Station 05OG008) created for...
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