Catalogue Entry: Railway Operating Certificates
A Railway Operating Certificate is an official document issued by Transport Canada, under the authority of the Railway Safety Act, to authorize a railway company or local... -
Catalogue Entry: Transport Networks in Canada - CanVec Series - Transport Features
The transport features of the CanVec series are derived from the National Road Network (NRN) and the National Railway Network (NRWN). The dataset describes roads, trails,... -
Catalogue Entry: Railways
Map of Quebec City railways.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate). -
Catalogue Entry: Railway network
Linear network representing railways. Geometry, name of the operator, name of the owner, name of the owner, condition of the track, condition of the track, name of the... -
Catalogue Entry: Grade Crossings Inventory
The list of grade crossings produced by this system provides an inventory of the location and characteristics of the railway crossings in Canada. It is part of the information... -
Catalogue Entry: Infographics: Visualizing domestic regional trade flows in Canada
This infographic presents a new interactive data visualization application on domestic regional trade flows in Canada for goods moved by truck and rail, 2004 to 2012. Through...-
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- visualizations
Catalogue Entry: Surface and Marine Transport, Vol. 13, no. 3
The railway industry in Canada is highly dependent on factors affecting the production of and demand for bulk commodities. Five commodities -- coal, iron ore, wheat, potash and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Freight Rail Services Price Index, quarterly
Freight Rail Services Price Index (FRSPI). Quarterly data are available from Q1 2018. The current base period for the index is 2018=100-
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Catalogue Entry: Multimodal Safety and Security Programs Oversight Delivery Indicators, by...
As part of the Transport Canada Multimodal Safety and Security Programs Oversight Delivery Indicators, starting with the four quarters of the 2017-2018 federal government fiscal...-
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Catalogue Entry: Freight Rail Services Price Index, percentage change, quarterly
Freight Rail Services Price Index (FRSPI). Quarterly data are available from Q1 2018. The table presents quarter-to-quarter and year-to-year percentage changes for various...-
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Catalogue Entry: Rail in Canada
This on-line publication provides information relating to the size and structure of the Canadian rail transport industry. A general overview of the rail industry for a six year... -
Catalogue Entry: Railway transport survey, inventory of equipment in service summary of...
Annual railway industry inventory of equipment in service summary of regional companies (total locomotives, total freight cars and total passenger cars).-
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Catalogue Entry: Railway industry summary statistics on employment, by occupational...
Annual railway industry summary statistics on employment, by occupational categories (managerial and supervisory; professional, scientific, technical and staff assistants;...-
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Catalogue Entry: Railway industry inventory of equipment in service by mainline companies
Annual railway industry inventory of equipment in service (total locomotives, total freight cars and total passenger cars), by mainline companies (Canadian National, Canadian...-
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Catalogue Entry: Railway industry employees and employee compensation, by major occupational group
Annual railway industry employees and employee compensation (average number of employees) by major occupational group (general services, road maintenance, equipment maintenance...-
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Catalogue Entry: Rail transportation, origin and destination of intermodal tonnage
Rail transportation, by country, region or province of origin and destination, total tonnage of containers on flat cars and trailers on flat cars-
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Catalogue Entry: Rail industry origin and destination of transported commodities
Rail industry origin and destination of transported commodities, including provinces and territories, regions, US and Mexico, annual.-
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Catalogue Entry: Rail accident rankings for top commodities, package types and initiating...
Road accident key variables for top-most dangerous goods, means of containment and instigating events. Annual data is available from 2002.-
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Catalogue Entry: Origin and destination of transported commodities, Canadian Freight Analysis...
The Canadian Freight Analysis Framework integrates data from several sources to create a comprehensive picture of freight flows across the country by geography, commodity and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Monthly Railway Carloadings
The Monthly railway carloadings publication provides monthly statistics of rail car loadings in Canada. The publication offers a brief analysis along with a number of tables...