The Drought Impact Lines dataset highlights areas that have been physically impacted by drought. All drought impact lines have a drought impact label inside of them to express...
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The “Agro-Pedological Atlas of Quebec” is a dataset that shows the characteristics, the fertility, the quality of the water regime, the vulnerability to degradation and the...
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The ‘Land use allocation to Soils and Landforms by year’ dataset links agricultural land use activities to soils and landscapes within Soil Landscapes of Canada (SLC) polygons....
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Agriculture is an important primary production sector in Canada. Agricultural production, profitability, sustainability and food security depend on many agrometeorological...
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The “Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 25% Probability of Exceedence” dataset is a line data set that covers the extent of Canada. It shows the 25% Probability of exceedence...
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The “Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 90% Probability of Exceedence” dataset is a line data set that covers the extent of Canada. It shows the 90% Probability of exceedence...
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The “Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 80% Probability of Exceedence” dataset is a line data set that covers the extent of Canada. It shows the 80% Probability of exceedence...
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The “AAFC Annual Unit Runoff in Canada" data series illustrates runoff trends across the country by isolines of annual unit runoff for a variety of probabilities of exceedence...
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The “Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 10% Probability of Exceedence” dataset is a line data set that covers the extent of Canada. It shows the 10% Probability of exceedence...
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The “Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 70% Probability of Exceedence” dataset is a line data set that covers the extent of Canada. It shows the 70% Probability of exceedence...
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The Agri-Environmental Indicator (AEI) dataset series provides information that was created using indicators that assess the environmental impact of agricultural activities....
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The “Sub-sub-basins of the AAFC Watersheds Project – 2013” dataset is a geospatial data layer containing polygon features representing the Standard Drainage Area Classification...
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The "Hydrometric Gauging Stations of the AAFC Watersheds Project - 2013" dataset is a geospatial data layer containing point features representing the hydrometric gauging...
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The "Total Gross Drainage Areas of the AAFC Watersheds Project - 2013" dataset is a geospatial data layer containing polygon features representing the maximum area that could...
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The “Major Drainage Systems of the AAFC Watersheds Project - 2013” dataset is a geospatial data layer containing polygon features representing the three (3) major drainage...
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The “Sub-basins of the AAFC Watersheds Project – 2013” dataset is a geospatial data layer containing polygon features representing the Standard Drainage Area Classification...
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The “Non-contributing Portions of the Incremental Gross Drainage Areas of the AAFC Watersheds Project – 2013” dataset is a geospatial data layer containing polygon features...
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The “PFRA Sub-basins of the AAFC Watersheds Project – 2013” dataset is a geospatial data layer containing polygon features representing the 47 sub-basins within the Agriculture...
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The “Incremental Gross Drainage Areas of the AAFC Watersheds Project - 2013” dataset is a geospatial data layer containing polygon features representing the incremental gross...
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