Catalogue Entry: Canadian Nature Survey 2012
The 2012 Canadian Nature Survey is part of a series of national surveys on the importance of nature to Canadians. The purpose of the survey is to provide reliable, current... -
Catalogue Entry: Roberts Bank Shorebird Surveys, British Columbia - Predicted and Actual...
Predicted and actual counts of sandpipers utilizing the portion of Roberts Bank along “Brunswick dike” (the shoreline between the base of the Roberts Bank Coal Port causeway... -
Catalogue Entry: Roberts Bank Shorebird Surveys, British Columbia
These surveys focus on two abundant shorebird species, Western Sandpiper (Calidris mauri) and Dunlin (Calidris alpina), and are conducted at a large mudflat on Roberts Bank,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) in Canada
The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is a road-based, long-term, continental survey that focuses on measuring breeding bird abundance at 50 stops along roughly 40-km...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- other
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Pentad Blended Precipitation version 1 (CanBP5v1)
This dataset contains blended (gauge and satellite estimates) pentad mean precipitation rates (unit: mm/day) at a one degree spatial resolution over Canada. The data can be used...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Environment Canada Hydrometric stations and network information, 1850-
Provides public access to station metadata of hydrometric monitoring locations active and discontinued ; 2. Provides public access to the hydrometric station index listed in...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Real Time Hydrometric Data Tool
This site provides public access to real-time hydrometric data collected at over 1800 locations and access to historical data collected at over 7600 stations (active and...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Conservation Atlas of Wetlands in the St. Lawrence Valley (1993-1994)
The main purpose of the Conservation Atlas of Wetlands is to develop a portrait of the wetlands of the St. Lawrence Valley using innovative mapping methods in order to favor... -
Catalogue Entry: Energy consumption of home appliances - EnerGuide label
The data sets provide specific information about the energy consumption of home appliances imported into Canada or shipped between provinces.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Computerized Database of Québec Seabirds (CDQS)
Monitor variations in seabird numbers and colony size in the St. Lawrence system. Survey of over 20 species of seabirds and herons during the breeding season, in order to... -
Catalogue Entry: Horizontal business innovation and clean technology review statistical tables
These statistical tables are one of the results from a project undertaken by Statistics Canada on behalf of the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) in support of the Horizontal... -
Catalogue Entry: Clean Air Regulatory Agenda Freshwater Inventory and Surveillance of Mercury...
Environmental quality data from water, fish and sediments in 20 lakes across Canada. Measurements include mercury, methylmercury, physical-chemical parameters such as pH and...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Inventory and Surveillance of Mercury: Fish Biological and Chemical Data
Annual fish monitoring data for 20 lakes across Canada. Collection season was standardized to provide temporal comparability within each lake. In most lakes, fishing occurred in... -
Catalogue Entry: Climate Research: Publication-based Data
Scientists publish the results of their work in scientific journals. New data that has contributed to climate research publications can be found in the related data records below. -
Catalogue Entry: RADAR data - TO2015 Pan and Parapan American Games
The main radar covering the Toronto Area is the King City Doppler Dual-Polarization C-Band radar (43.96388, -79.57416). Other nearby radars include the Exeter Doppler C-Band... -
Catalogue Entry: Conservation Atlas of Woodlands in Agricultural Landscape
The highly diversified agriculture practised in Quebec in the past has been gradually replaced by more specialized agricultural practices and large-scale production. These... -
Catalogue Entry: Land cover mapping of lake Brome using Landsat-ETM and RADARSAT-1 imagery, 2007
Land use classification on the basis of multidate Landsat-ETM and Radarsat-1 images. Classification is based on the segmentation of images into objects using Definiens Earth... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Wetland Inventory (CWI) ; Radisson region
Canadian Wetlands Inventory (CWI) data for the Radisson region. Created according to the method developed by the Canadian Wildlife Service, Quebec Region. Between 2003 and 2007,... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Wetland Inventory (CWI) ; Montmagny region
Canadian Wetlands Inventory (CWI) data for the Montmagny region. Created according to the method developed by the Canadian Wildlife Service, Quebec Region. Between 2003 and... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Wetland Inventory (CWI) ; Montérégie
Canadian Wetlands Inventory (CWI) data for the Montérégie region. Created according to the method developed by the Canadian Wildlife Service, Quebec Region. Between 2003 and...