16 catalogue entries found

Licenses: Open Government Licence - Alberta Publisher Email: PGC.Metadata@gov.ab.ca Domain / Topic: Geoscientific Information

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  • Catalogue Entry: Lands Division District Boundaries

    The Lands Officer Districts dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Forestry and Parks Lands Officer Districts within the Province of Alberta.
  • Catalogue Entry: Alberta Provincial Boundary

    Compiled by Alberta Data Partnerships Ltd. (ADP), on behalf of the Government of Alberta, the Alberta Provincial Boundary ATS v4.1 polygon layer contains the polygon that...
  • Catalogue Entry: Summer Village

    This dataset is produced for the Government of Alberta and is available to the general public. Note that the distribution contact is different for the general public than for...
  • Catalogue Entry: Fisheries Contact Boundaries

    The Fisheries Contact Boundaries dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Environment and Protected Areas Fisheries Contact Boundaries within the Province of...
  • Catalogue Entry: Hamlet Boundaries

    The Hamlet Boundaries dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Hamlets in Alberta. The formation of a hamlet can occur if there are 5 or more buildings used as...
  • Catalogue Entry: Public Lands Camping Pass Boundary

    The Public Lands Camping Pass does not apply in the Kananaskis Conservation Pass area. The pass does not apply to: private, municipal, or federally owned lands. Provincial...
  • Catalogue Entry: Rangeland Management Zones

    The Rangeland Management Zones dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Rangeland Management Zones in Alberta. A Rangeland Management Zone is an...
  • Catalogue Entry: Lands Division Region Boundaries

    The Lands Officer Region dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Forestry and Parks Lands Officer Regions within the Province of Alberta.
  • Catalogue Entry: Treaty Boundary

    The Treaty Boundary dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the historical treaty lands of Canada negotiated by First Nations over the years through treaty-...
  • Catalogue Entry: Town

    The Town dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Towns in Alberta. Town is a municipality type defined under the authority of the Municipal Government Act. The...
  • Catalogue Entry: Lands Division Officer Working Zones

    The Lands Division Officer Working Zones dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Forestry and Parks Lands Officer Working Zones within the Province of...
  • Catalogue Entry: Indian Reserve

    The Indian Reserve dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Indian Reserves in Alberta. Indian Reserve lands are lands set aside for the exclusive use and...
  • Catalogue Entry: City

    The City dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Cities in Alberta. City is a municipality type defined under the authority of the Municipal Government Act. The...
  • Catalogue Entry: Public Land Recreation Area

    The Public Land Recreation Area dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Public Land Recreation Areas in Alberta. A Public Land Recreation Area is an area of...
  • Catalogue Entry: Metis Settlement

    The Metis Settlement is a dataset comprised of all the polygons that represent Metis Settlements lands in Alberta. Metis Settlements are lands set apart by provincial...
  • Catalogue Entry: Culture Point

    The Culture Point dataset is comprised of all the points that represent Hamlets, Localities and Townsites in Alberta. The formation of a Hamlet can occur if there are 5 or more...
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