Catalogue Entry: Average Value of New Mortgage Loans: Canada, Provinces and CMAs
Get a snapshot of Canadian mortgage loan activity. This housing data will give you the average value of new mortgage loans in Canada, the provinces and selected large cities....-
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Catalogue Entry: Share of New Mortgage Holders with Credit Score Below 660
The share of new mortgage loans that are held by borrowers with a credit score of less than 660. The data are organized by fiscal quarter for Canada, the provinces and select...-
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Catalogue Entry: Archived - Housing suitability and dwelling condition, by tenure including...
Households in suitable versus not suitable housing and by condition of dwelling (e.g., dwelling requiring major repairs), by tenure including social and affordable housing,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Affordable Housing Pipeline
This section contains data on upcoming affordable rental homes that are in development and have received an approval from City Council either as initial approval for financial...-
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Catalogue Entry: Cost of living in Toronto for low-income households
The City of Toronto monitors the affordability of food annually using the Nutritious Food Basket (NFB) costing tool. Food prices increased considerably in 2022. People with low...-
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Catalogue Entry: Civic Issue Campaign Results
The Open Data team launched a campaign in order to help identify as well as prioritize the release of high-quality, in-demand datasets related to the City’s 5 priority civic...-
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Catalogue Entry: Toronto Shelter System Flow
The City of Toronto funds and operates services dedicated to people experiencing homelessness in Toronto. The overnight services, including emergency shelters, respites, and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Grants Ontario: Affordable Housing Information Management System (green information)
Record level information on various "green" initiatives for rental housing projects, belonging to the Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH) program of the IA-Extension program.... -
Catalogue Entry: Federal funding for housing and homelessness
The amount of federal funding provided to Ontario and its communities for housing and homelessness programs. Funds are itemized by program. The federal government provides...-
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Catalogue Entry: Average expected useful life of new municipally owned social and affordable...
Average expected useful life of municipally owned social and affordable housing assets for all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size. Average...-
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Catalogue Entry: CMHC Mortgage Loan Insurance Highlights
Statistical highlights of CMHC mortgage loan insurance from 2002 to 2017. Includes data on the number, dollar value, credit profile and type of mortgage loans insured by CMHC....-
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Catalogue Entry: Housing stock in unit by institutional sector, housing type, dwelling...
Housing Stock in Unit is an economic account that estimates housing unit count by institutional sector, housing type, dwelling occupation, dwelling type, and tenure type for...-
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Catalogue Entry: Adequacy, Suitability and Affordability statistics for visible minority groups
Compare the conditions and affordability of housing for visible minority groups in Canada against national benchmarks. Find data on the adequacy, suitability and affordability...-
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Catalogue Entry: Archived - Households living with housing problems, by selected...
Data on households living with housing problems, by selected housing-vulnerable populations and core housing need including adequacy, affordability and suitability standards,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Archived - Persons living with housing problems, by selected...
Data on persons living with housing problems, by selected housing-vulnerable populations and core housing need including adequacy, affordability and suitability standards,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Average expected useful life of new publicly owned social and affordable...
Average expected useful life of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned social and affordable housing assets for all provinces and territories. Values are...-
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Catalogue Entry: Asset management practices for municipally owned social and affordable...
Asset management practices for municipally owned social and affordable housing assets for all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size. Values are...-
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- csv, sdmx
Catalogue Entry: Evictions
This indicator presents available data on the number of evictions across OECD countries. For the scope of this indicator, evictions refer to the process of the involuntary...-
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Catalogue Entry: Housing indicators by tenure: Canada, provinces and territories, census...
Housing indicators (adequacy, suitability, affordability and core housing need) by tenure and year for Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions.-
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Catalogue Entry: Housing indicators by tenure: Canada, provinces and territories, census...
Housing indicators (adequacy, suitability, affordability and core housing need) by tenure and year for Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census...-
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